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Professional Standards 

Professional Standards & Royal Commission

​We apologise to victims of historical abuse and acknowledge with deep regret the impacts that such experiences have had in people’s lives. â€‹We should have protected those in our care from any form of abuse and, thankfully, we now recognise it for what it is – it is a criminal offence.


If you or a member of your family has been harmed in the care of the Marist Brothers, there are several ways your complaint can be heard:

  • Contacting local Police, phone 111, or Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children on 0508 326 459.

  • The National Office of Professional Standards, are available to assist with the reporting of abuse at; 

  • Contacting the Professional Standards Office, New Zealand. 


Professional Standards - New Zealand


Reporting any alleged breaches of standards (e.g. sexual abuse), by members of the Marist Brothers in New Zealand. Any former students or persons who believe they may have been abused by members of the Order may contact the Marist Brothers' Professional Standards Delegate (for the District Leader) or, alternatively, the local Catholic Diocesan offices.


All complaints will be treated with absolute confidentiality and discretion.


The Professional Standards protocol follows the guidelines produced in two documents:


1) "Integrity in Ministry", March 2000 - a document of principles and standards for Catholic Clergy and Religious in New Zealand.

2) "Te Houhanga Rongo - A Path to Healing", February 2020 - Principles and Procedures in responding to complaints of sexual abuse by Clergy and Religious of the Catholic Church in New Zealand. The text of this document can be found at and click Protocols for Abuse Complaints.

Contact details for the Marist Brothers’ Professional Standards Office are:



PO BOX 24-400

Royal Oak,


Ph (NZ) 022 648 4014

(International) +64 22 648 4014


Contact Us

Province Office Aotearoa New Zealand 


PO Box 24-400

Royal Oak, Auckland

New Zealand


Suite 1.4

381 Great South Road

Ellerslie, Auckland 1051

New Zealand


t | + 64 9 573 5233

e |

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