Marist Schools
Proprietor Companies
Marcellin College Limited
Sacred Heart College Limited
Sacred Heart College Hostel Limited
St Paul's College Limited
Registered Office: Suite 1.4, 381 Great South Road, Ellerslie, Auckland 1051
Postal Address: PO Box 24-400 Royal Oak, Auckland 1345
Phone: +64 9 573-5233 Fax: +64 9 573 5241
Email for Companies
Schools with the Marist Brothers as Proprietor
Marcellin College
Co-educational College, Years 7 - 13
617 Mt Albert Road, Epsom, Auckland.
Postal Address: PO Box 24-126, Royal Oak, Auckland.
Phone: +64 9 625 6509 Fax: +64 9 625 7835
Principal: Maria Prescott
Director of Religious Studies: Jeanavieve Pome’e
www.marcellin.school.nz Email Marcellin College
Sacred Heart College
Boys' Day Years 7 - 13 and Boarding Years 9 - 13
250 West Tamaki Rd, Glen Innes, Auckland.
Phone:+64 9 529 3660 Fax: +64 9 529 3661
Principal: Patrick Walsh
Director Special Character: Michael O'Donnell
www.sacredheart.school.nz Email Sacred Heart College
Sacred Heart College Hostel
Boarding Years 9-13
250 West Tamaki Rd, Glen Innes, Auckland.
Phone: +64 9 529 3677 Fax: + 64 9 529 3676
Email Sacred Heart College Hostel
St Paul's College
Boys' Day School, Years 7 - 13
183 Richmond Road, Ponsonby, Auckland.
Phone: +64 9 376 1287 Fax: +64 9 378 6713
Principal: Keith Simento
Director of Religious Studies: Kirstie Wearmouth
www.stpaulscollege.co.nz Email St Paul's College​​
​Marist Alternative Education, Auckland
20/46 Ellice Rd, Glenfield, North Shore City 0629
Phone and Fax: +64 9 441 3590
Email: office@maristedu.org.nz
Principal: James Cullen
Diocesan Schools having Marist Brothers' traditions
St John's College
Boys' Day College Years 9 - 13
85 Hillcrest Road
PO Box 11-086, Hillcrest, Hamilton
Phone: + 64 7 856 7091 Fax: +64 7 856 3880
Principal: Shane Tong
Director of Catholic Character: Monica Holt
www.stjohns-hamilton.school.nz Email St John's College
Marian School
Co-educational Primary, Years 1-8
30 Beale Street, Hamilton East 3216
Phone: +64 7 856 7515 Fax: +64 7 856 2766
Principal: Debra White
Director of Religious Studies: Nicki Whyte
www.marian.school.nz Email: principal@marian.school.nz
Campion College
Co-educational Day College, Years 7 - 13
Campion Road
PO Box 1151, Gisborne
Phone: +64 6 867 9309 Fax: +64 6 867 9308
Principal: Paul McGuinness
Director of Religious Studies: Chris Goodwin
www.campiononline.school.nz Email Campion College
St Marcellin School
Co-educational Primary, Years 1 - 8
Totara Street, Whanganui
Phone: +64 6 349 0023 Fax: +64 6 344 6725
Email: stmarcellin@stmarcellin.school.nz
Principal: Belinda Backwell
www.stmarcellin.school.nz Email St Marcellin School
St Peter's College
Co-educational Day College, Years 7 - 13
Holdsworth Street, Milson, Palmerston North.
Phone: +64 6 354 4197 Fax: +64 6 353 3161
Email: office@stpeterspn.school.nz
Principal: Margaret Leamy
Director of Religious Studies: Lorraine Wilson
www.stpeterspn.school.nz Email St Peter's College
St Patrick's School
Co-educational Primary, Years 1 - 8
24 Riverbend Road, PO Box 4140, Marewa, Napier.
Phone: +64 6 843 9238 Fax: +64 6 843 5467
Principal: Gemma Gardiner
www.stpatsnapier.school.nz Email St Patrick's School
Chanel College
Co-educational Day College, Years 7 - 13
20 Herbert St, PO Box 719, Masterton
Phone: +64 6 377 0069 Fax: +64 6 377 0879
Acting Principal: Myra Coley
Director of Religious Studies: Jane Bourke
www.chanelcollege.school.nz Email Chanel College
St Bernard's College
Boys' Day College, Years 7 - 13
183 Waterloo Road, Lower Hutt
Phone: +64 4 560 9250 Fax: +64 4 560 9251
Principal: Simon Stack
Director of Religious Studies: Jonathan Boon
www.sbc.school.nz Email St Bernard's College
Holy Cross School
Co-educational Primary, Years 1 - 8
117 Miramar Ave, Miramar, Wellington.
Phone: +64 4 388 7189 Fax: +64 4 388 2181
Principal: Tala Moemai
www.hcm.school.nz Email Holy Cross School
Cardinal McKeefry School
Co-educational Primary, Years 1 - 8
66 Albemarle Road, Wilton, Wellington.
Phone and Fax: +64 4 475 3262
Principal: Peter Hijazeen
www.cardinalmckeefry.school.nz Email Cardinal McKeefry School
St Anne's School
Co-educational Primary, Years 1 - 8
14 Daniell Street, Newtown, Wellington
Phone: +64 4-3893705
Principal: Matt Colic
www.st-annes.school.nz Email:office@st-annes.school.nz
Catholic Cathedral College
Co-educational Day College, Years 9 - 13
62 Ferry Road, PO Box 10255, Christchurch.
Phone: +64 3 982 1690 Fax: +64 3 982 1692
Principal: Lee-Ann Nanai
Director of Religious Studies: Mathew Harris
www.cathcollege.school.nz Email Catholic Cathedral College
John Paul II High School
Co-educational Day School, Years 9 - 13
Alexander Street, PO Box 160, Greymouth.
Phone: +64 3 768 4166 Fax: +64 3 768 5183
Principal: Renee Hutchinson
Director of Religious Studies: Joanie Roberson
www.johnpaul.ac.nz Email John Paul II High School
St Patrick's School
Co-educational Primary, Years 1 - 8
Puketahi Street, Greymouth.
Phone: +64 3 768 7830 Fax: +64 3 768 7831
Principal: Ian Johnson
Email St Patrick's School
Sacred Heart School
Co-educational Primary, Years 1 - 8
54 Heaton Street, Timaru.
Phone: +64 3 688 8188 Fax: +64 3 688 8298
Principal: David Armstrong
Director of Religious Studies: Mrs Bernadette Grogan
www.sacredhearttim.school.nz Email Sacred Heart School
Verdon College
Co-educational Day College, Years 7 - 13
Rockdale Road, PO Box 645, Invercargill.
Phone: +64 3 216 9039 Fax: +64 3 216 9015
Principal: Jarleth Kelly
Director of Religious Studies: Clare Lay
Chaplain: Rev Vaughan Hook
www.verdoncollege.school.nz Email Verdon College