Praying with Joseph

Joseph, your admirable life took place in poverty,
but you contemplated the beauty
of Jesus and Mary.
The Son of God, in his childhood,
often happily submitted to your authority
and rested on your heart.
Like you, we serve Mary and Jesus in solitude.
Pleasing them is our only aim.
We desire nothing more. Amen.
(St Therese of Lisieux)

Glorious Saint Joseph, foster father of Jesus,
spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Patron of the universal Church,
and of the Marist Family.
I choose you today and all of my life,
to be my special patron,
the master and conductor of my soul and body,
my thoughts, words and actions,
of my honour and property,
my life and my death.
I ask you to receive me as your servant,
to assist me in all my actions,
and to obtain for me the happiness
of living and dying, like you,
in the love of Jesus and Mary. Amen.

Joseph, by the work of your hands
and the sweat of your brow
you supported Jesus and Mary,
and had the Son of God as your fellow worker.
Teach us to work as you did,
with patience and perseverance.
Teach us to see in our colleagues
the Christ who desires to be in them.
Grant that we may look upon work
with the eyes of faith,
so that we may recognise in it our share
in God’s own creative activity
and in Christ’s work of our redemption,
and so take pride in it. Amen.

Saint Joseph, you are that just man,
that wise and loyal servant,
whom God called to lead the holy family.
With a husband’s love you cherished Mary,
and with fatherly care you loved
and educated Jesus.
May we also experience your loving
and watchful care in our lives
and families and in our work. Amen.