For Mission

A Prayer of Challenge
Spirit of God,
alive in our world today
challenge us by the realities we see around us:
injustice, poverty, marginalisation.
In our unique vocation make us more aware
of your daily calls for us to fidelity and integrity.
Help us to discover a fresh Marcellin's heart within us ;
a fire and spirit we have inherited
that enables us to respond to the Montagnes of today.
Help us to reread the charism to see with Champagnat's eyes for today.
Because they have a right to be preferred by us, help us,
to make a more determined option for the poor so that we may bring about the reign of
God made real in Jesus.
May those we live and work among
be inspired to respond to God's call in their lives
because of the clarity of our witness and response.
We pray this in Jesus name.

The Work of Peace
Give us courage, O Lord to stand up and be counted,
to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves
to stand up for ourselves when it is needful for us to do so.
Let us fear nothing more than we fear you.
Let us love nothing more than we love you,
for thus we shall fear nothing also.
Let us have no other God before you,
whether the nation or party or state or church.
Let us seek no other peace but the peace which is yours,
and make us as instruments, opening our eyes and our ears and our hearts,
so that we should always know what work of peace we may do for you.
Alan Paton (1903 -1988]

In Solidarity for those less Fortunate
Comfort and heal, merciful Father
all who are in sorrow, need, sickness or any other trouble.
Give them a firm trust in your goodness; help those who minister to them;
and bring us all into the joy of your salvation.
Anoint us with your spirit, loving Father
that we can take the Good News of Jesus to those in need,
to be of service to them,and help them towards fuller life.

Oh God Father of Love and Unity,
through Marcellin Champagnat you
graced the world with a new charism, a gift for people everywhere,
at the service of children and young people in your world.
Today as ever, the vitality of your gift continues to attract men and women
,religious and lay people, to experience together the richness of the
Marist Mission.

Help us to be more generous and open and working together,
so that as Marist Brothers and lay people, we will be one in heart and mind at
the centre of your Church. Lord, bless our efforts to accomplish this
aim. We ask you through the
intercession of Mary, Our Good Mother,
and in the name of Jesus your son,
who came that we might have the fullness of life,
and of the Holy Spirit source of all unity.

For Families and Young People We Minister to ............
We thank you creator God, the gift of love, fidelity and belonging
you share with us through the bonds of family life.
We give you thanks for the love of our families who nurtured us
in life and faith. Be with them now in their present joys and difficulties.
We thank you for the family spirit that is Marcellin's gift to us. In
our community living may we give more visible witness to families of
our familial love, support, forgiveness and sensitivity to one another.
We pray for families in our society who are marginalised through unjust
systems, unemployment, broken relationships, abuse and violence.
We pray especially for the young people who are the victims in this.
May we find ways to be present as brothers and lay Marists to the realities of their
lives, to learn from them, to draw them into personal faith in Jesus, and
empower them to develop life-giving family relationships. This we askwith Mary, in the name of Jesus.

For World Peace
Bless, O God,
all who dedicate their powers today
to the making of peace in the world.
Bless all who give their training and experience
to feed , clothe and house the destitute.
Bless all who lend their energies and skills
to teach impoverished people to till, water and harvest their land.
And give us all a lively concern for the underprivileged,
and show us practical ways of helping.
For Christ's sake.

Father of Love,
We see your compassion for us made real
in the life and death of Jesus, your Son, our brother.
In his name you urge us to share in his mission
to make that love real and the lives of marginalised young people.
Give each of us that spark of solidarity with them
that enables each of us to contribute to the saving work of Jesus.

Father, we rejoice in your active presence
in our lives, and our hearts.
We thank you for being called to love and serve your little ones.
We confess our need for your Power in our lives,
for your Wisdom, your Truth, and your Love.
We want to follow Jesus your Son, in the way of Mary and Marcellin,
and we trust always in your love and kindness and saving justice.
We make this prayer through Christ our living Lord.

For The Disadvantaged
God of love, have mercy on the world of human affairs,
where the gap between the advantaged and the disadvantaged
seems to be ever widening.
We pray for victims of this injustice;
For the sick and the maimed
who cannot afford the latest in medical technology;
For the hungry millions who have been denied
the benefits of genetically improved grains, fruits and meats;
For the indigenous minorities whose health and education prospects
lag far behind those of the general population.
For the unemployed who have been cast aside
by the electronic revolution in industry and commerce.
For all those outside the margins of day-to-day living.
May we do our part to carry them wherever you wish, Lord.
We ask this, through a compassionate Jesus,
and His loving Mother.

Jesus answered him.
“ Those who love me
will keep my word
and my father will love them
and we will come to them
and make our home
with them”
John. 14; 23